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The ORIGINS Project is the largest study of its kind in Australia, following 10,000 children, from their time in the womb, over a decade to improve child and adult health.

The unique long-term study is one of the most comprehensive studies of pregnant women and their families in Australia, recruiting families who are receiving pregnancy care or planning to deliver their baby at Joondalup Health Campus, as well as families from the Joondalup and Wanneroo communities.

ORIGINS is following the progress of pregnant women, their partners and babies for the first five years of the baby’s life, and beyond, with an increasing understanding that an individual’s lifetime health and disease may be programmed at a very early stage – while a child is still in the womb.

Our researchers are not only investigating the prevention of disease but also looking to discover how every child and family can reach their full potential.

The total ORIGINS population will consist of more than 20,000 individuals within family units - including mothers, partners, children and siblings.


Meet some of our ORIGINS families

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